东莞市长安贝贝康五金模具厂 店铺已关闭且无效

bbk-jingba 劲霸牌弹簧

bbk-jingba 劲霸牌弹簧

东莞市长安贝贝康五金模具厂 进入商铺


模具弹簧 贝贝康科技 是国内一家拥有一批高科技人员开发、研制、创新及生产销售为一体的企业。公司研制开发的弹簧是采用国际标准,引进消化吸收国外技术基础上自行研制开发的产品,并在制造技术上获得几项。 我司位于珠三角洲腹地 ----- 东莞,这里与广州、佛山、中山及深圳接壤,毗经济纽带珠海、港澳区。交通便利、地理位置得天独厚。拥有配套设施齐全的大型生产基地和技术研发中心。技术力量雄厚、生产工艺严谨、采用流水线作业和的检测系统。产品质量可靠,品种规格齐全,价格合理。 我司自成立致今,已有 10 多年的历程,始终以“精益求精,高质量,诚信服 务”为理念。严抓内部管理,以质量创名品牌,以创新谋发展,以规模求效益。 本公司销售网络到达全国各地,同时不断引进新技术、与国内高等科技院校 合作、采用新材料、新工艺。利用的生产设备和严谨的工艺流程,使产品质量更高、性能更可靠。我们始终坚持以科技为先导,致力于模具弹簧领域为客户提供优质的产品和佳的售前、售中、售后服务。 我司所生产的模具弹簧品牌为: 贝贝康—劲霸( bbk-jinei ) 一.弹簧特点: 1. 经久耐用: 本产品活塞杆经过精密加工,耐磨性好,表面粗糙度在 ra0.02um 以下,硬 度高,优质的活塞杆和高性能密封装置,保证了弹簧的长期寿命。产品已经国家汽车质量监督中心检测,质量合格,在完成有效行程后,减压率在 5% 以下,完全附合国际标准。 2. 可降低成本 该弹簧的具有体积小,弹力大,寿命长,弹压力恒定的特点。体积小可节约模 具空间,弹力大可减少弹簧数量,寿命长可减少模具维修次数,因此降低了模具的总成本。 3.. 安全: 该产品与其它产品采用的管材焊接成型方式相比,本公司采用整体切削成型方式 , 确保了产品的安全可靠 . 二 . 弹簧产品的类型 主要有 bkb/j/c/h 四种 , 分为国际和本公司自制本公司采用整体切削成型方式,确 保了产品的安全可靠。结构紧凑型。其它技术参数相同 1.iso 标准弹簧 bkb450~100000n 分为小、中、大型。 2. 结构紧凑型: bkj1700~100000n 3 .结构特紧凑型: bkc2500n~100000n 4 .结构特长型: bkh5000n~180kn 以上列出的模具弹簧是典型的常用品种 ( 特别是汽车模具行业 ), 基本上能 满足各种不同类型模具的需要 .iso 标准型是完全符合 iso11901 弹簧国际标准 , 与国外同类产品 , 如瑞典 kaller\\ 美国 dadco\\hyson\\quiri 等等 , 均具有完全的互换性。 同样的质量,价格比同类国外产品的价格少 30% — 50% 100 万次或壹年内免费保修,终生维护。 英文版 beibei kang technology is the only one with a group of high-tech peonnel development, research, innovation and product sales as one of the enterprises. the company developed the nitrogen spring is the application of international standards, the introduction of digestion and absorption of foreign advanced technology on the basis of self-developed products and manufacturing technology in several countries access to patent. i division in the pearl river hinterland ----- island dongguan, here and guangzhou, foshan, zhongshan and shenzhen border, taiwan bishamon economic ties zhuhai, hong kong and macao areas. traport facilities, geographical location blessed. has complete supporting facilities of large production bases and technology research and development center. strong technical force, stringent production process, the use of the pipeline operatio, and advanced detection systems. reliable product quality, variety complete specificatio and reasonable price. since its establishment by the secretary for me today, 10 yea of history, has always been to /excellence, quality, integrity services/ for the idea. yanzhua internal management, to a name brand quality, innovation and development, seeking to scale benefits. the company reached sales network throughout the country, while the introduction of new technologies, with the domestic ititutio of higher scientific and technological cooperation, the use of new materials and new technology. the use of advanced production equipment and stringent process so that products of higher quality, more reliable performance. we always adhere to the science and technology as a precuor to die for nitrogen spring areas, provide the best quality products and the best pre-sales, sales, after-sales service. i die by the secretary for the production of nitrogen for spring for the brand: jin pa ---- jinba gas springs 一 . nitrogen springs characteristic: 1. durable: this product connecting rod passes through the preciseprocessing, the resistance to wear good, the surface roughness belowra0.02um, degree of hardness is high, the high quality connecting rodand the high performance packing assembly, has guaranteed the nitrogepring long-term life. the product already the national automobilequality surveillance center examination, the quality was qualified,after completed the effective travelling schedule, the reducedpressure rate below 5%, completely coincided the internationalstandard. 2. may reduce the cost this nitrogen spring has the volume slightly, teion big, thelife is long, shoots the pressure cotant characteristic. the volumesmall may save the mold space, the teion greatly may reduce thespring quantity, the life is long may reduce the mold service numberof times, therefore reduced the mold total cost. 3. absolutely safe: this product the tubing welding which uses with other products takesshape the way to compare, this company uses the whole cutting to takeshape the way, guaranteed the product security to be reliable. 二 . nitrogen spring product type main bkb / j / c / h are divided into international and structure of the company homemade compact. other technical paramete of the same 1.iso standard nitrogen spring bkb150~100000n divides intoslightly, center, is big. 2. the structure is compact: bkj1700~75000n 3. structure special compact: bkc2500n ~ 75000n 4. structure long-: bkh5000n ~ 180kn above lists the mold special-purpose nitrogen spring is themost typical commonly used variety (specially is automobile moldprofession), basically can satisfy each kind of different type moldthe need iso standard type completely conforms to the iso11901nitrogen spring international standard, with the oveeas similarproduct, like sweden kaller\\ american dadco\\hyson and so on, has thecomplete interchangeability. the same quality, price than the price of similar foreign products less 30% -50% 本产品的品牌是bbk-jingba劲霸牌,基本投资额是1-5万(元),保证金额是50000(元),加盟费是50000(元),项目区域要求是全国,品牌发源地是广东东莞,预计回报率是20(%),预计回报周期是1(年),特许权使用费是50000(元),合同期限是3(年),加盟商总数是20(家),特许经营时间是0(年),经营模式是代理,发展模式是区域代理

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